Abrahamic Reunion England

This website was developed to represent the UK arm of the Abrahamic Reunion, a project that helps to inspire inter religious harmony. We were provided with a backup of the main website and stripped it down to the bones, removing all unnecessary content and restructuring it to make it more focused on the UK. We migrated blog posts and added in new ones, while making adjustments to the main layouts of the website to make it easier to manage. To distinguish it more from the main website we changed the colours, and created a more custom home page that the charity can update.

As part of upgrading the template we installed the Baker visual editor to make it easier to manage. It also means that as they develop new pages and sections on the website, that they could do so with a simple drag and drop builder. Lastly we setup their donation section to make it easy for users to send money to the charity,

Website Design Features

  • WordPress theme setup
  • WordPress blog setup and integration
  • Graphic design and image optimisation
  • Content management system
  • Managed WordPress hosting
  • SSL encryption for secure shopping
  • Website responsiveness
  • Social media sharing and compatibility

Added by Coderra Ltd on February 19th, 2019
